Associazioni aderenti alla Federazione Laziale Dell` Ontario




San Donato



Laziali di Edmonton

Associazione Canneto

Boville Ernica

Ciociaro Toronto

Ciociaro Windsor

Laziali nel mondo


Ambrosian Families





Veroli Cultural Society



Santa Francesca Romana

Associazione Colleberardi

Dopo quasi 5 anni, la Federazione Laziale dell`Ontario torna protagonista
Finally, the Lazio Federation of Ontario held their first Lazio Gala since 2019 (COVID). The Lazio Gala was held on Friday November 22, 2024 at Montecassino Woodbridge. The following people were honoured: Franco Stendardo with the "Community Excellence Award"; Thomas Lombardi with the "Youth Achievement Award"; Giovanni Romano with the "Attestato al Merito Award"; and Author Melania Mazzucco with the "Attestato di Amicizia Award". The Laziale "Comune dell'Anno Award" was presented to the city of Minturno. A delegation from Minturno consisting of Dott. Gerardo Stefanelli Mayor of Minturno and President of the Province of Latina; Dott. Giuseppe Pensiero Assessore al Turismo along with their assistant Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Di Girolamo attended the event. To enhance the evening a large hand made mosaic with grains of wheat was brought in from Minturno Italy depicting "La Sagra delle Regne through an image of wheat, bringer of life and joy, under the gaze of Our Lady of Grace, who like a mother, watches over her children, and seeks to maintain traditions, expressing immutable and eternal human values". Guests enjoyed great company, delicious food and lively entertainment by DJ Platinum Entertainment Solutions, Caterina Gliosca and Robert Di Placido. Traditional laziale cuisine like Ciambelle, crespelle that were prepared on the spot and castagne were enjoyed by all present. Guests from Municipal and Federal governments were in attendance. It was a memorable evening enjoyed by all.
Dolicini by Joseph
Crespelle by Annita Carinci and Flavio Kitchens
Panettone and ciambelline di vino by Amico Bakery