Il comitato esecutivo della  Federazione Laziale dell`Ontario 2020-2021

Il 23 novembre la Federazione Lazio dell’Ontario, seppur non ufficialmente, ha festeggiato 35 anni di attività. Fondata nel 1985 (ufficialmente iscritta alla Giunta Provinciale nel 1987. Nel corso degli anni la Federazione ha modificato e aggiornato lo statuto sociale. Inizialmente si chiamava Federazione del Lazio, poi nel 1997 passò alla Confederazione Laziale del Canada con mandato del Ministero dell’Industria del Governo Federale e statuto federale. Pur essendo iscritta all’albo delle imprese senza scopo di lucro, negli anni 2000 ha subito ancora una volta il cambio di ragione sociale passando da Confederazione alla Federazione Lazio dell’Ontario, abbandonando di fatto l’espansione a livello nazionale, concentrandosi esclusivamente sull’associazionismo regionale .

On 23 November the Lazio Federation of Ontario, although not officially, celebrated 35 years of activity.
Founded in 1985 (officially registered with the Provincial government in 1987. Over the years the Federation has changed and updated the social statute.
At the beginning it was called the Federation of Latium, and then in 1997, it passed to the Latium Confederation of Canada with a mandate from the Ministry of Industry of the Federal Government and Federal charter.
Despite being registered in the register of non-profit companies, in the 2000s it underwent once again a change of company name passing from the Confederation to the Lazio Federation of Ontario, effectively abandoning the expansion at the national level, focusing exclusively on `regional associations.

Despite these changes, one thing has remained unchanged: the protection of Lazio associationism in our country.
In 2020 it focused even more on enhancing the work of our associations, putting in place new cultural, social and humanitarian initiatives.


Marino Moscone

Vice president

Maria Pia Mauti


Rocco Grossi

Executive Secretary

Marisanna Tersigni

Deputy Secretary

Sabrina Baldesarra

Ownership Manager

Tony Iafano

Past President

Gianni Mignardi


Tony Porretta

Legal counsel

Attorney Felix Rocca


Franco Standard


Alex Lombardi

Honorary Pres

Vittorio Coco


Silvana Baldassarra


Tony D`Aversa


Attilio Dell` Anno

Despite the objective difficulties of covid 19 The Lazio Federation returns to work due to the pandemic created by the Corona virus, the Latium Federation of Ontario was also forced to stop its activities. But after many months of inactivity, on 11 July the executive, headed by President Marino Moscone, returned to work at Casa Lazio. During the work and barbecue, we talked about the activities to be undertaken in the near future