Veroli Cultural Sociey of Toronto

Veroli is one of the centers of the Ciociaria richest in history, art and culture, in fact in the historic town it is possible to observe the numerous riches of the place. Typical are the steep characteristic streets, through which it seems to walk back in time. There are many monuments that attest to its importance. Of the pre-Roman city there are in fact the remains of polygonal walls that surround the Rocca di San Leucio.

Veroli would be present already from the XII century B.C. the ancient Verulae was one of the allied countries of Rome, as witnessed by the tables of the Fasti verulani: a Roman calendar of marble, dating back to the I century A.D. in 743 becomes an Episcopal seat, as testify the numerous churches present on the territory. In the sixteenth century the allies in the Spanish Column occupy the city. Once released, is subjected to a government of cardinals. The close union with the Church of Rome is heard several times in the course of time. So much so that toward the 1800 are first lynched by the population of bourgeois who had taken part in the Roman Republic of the Jacobins.

Certainly deserve a visit the monument for peace site in the historic center of Veroli, ‘Building Peace’, the park of time ‘Coelum Speluncarum’, the Cathedral of Santa Sàlome, the San Leucio Fortress and the church of St Andrew the Apostle.