Festa di San Valentino
Present at the presentation
Milena Tesa – Grade 9 (tie) – daughter of Claudio and Ida Tesa
Sophia Trelle – Grade 11 – daughter of Dario and Jennifer Trelle
Joseph D’Ascanio – Grade 12 – son of Anthony and Anna D’Ascanio
Absent from the presentation
Evelyn Farmer – Grade 9 (tie) – daughter of Glenn Farmer and Grace Tesa
Alessandro Porretta – Grade 10 – son of Steven and Cathy Porretta
The “Borsa di Studio” were presented by the president of the Terelle Social Club Nazzareno Tesa and assisted by the MP of Vaughan Woodbridge Francesco Sorbara and the Mayor of the City of Vaughan Steven Del Duca.


Municipality of Terelle
Terelle is a town that lies on a steep ridge of the mountain group of Monte Cairo (max. Alt. 1669 m. 5. m.), Facing NE. At 960 meters above sea level
Until 1927 it was part of the province of Terra di Lavoro (Caserta). When the province of Frosinone was established on that date, with the other municipalities of Cassinate it was aggregated to Lazio and the new province of Frosinone.
Its origins date back to 1117, when the Count of Aquino Pandolfo built a castle in the forest called Terelle, owned by Montecassino. Although it was repeatedly destroyed by the emperor Lothair III, at the invitation of the monks, and by the army of the same abbey, the castle was always rebuilt, and about the middle of the century. XIII we already find a “universitas” (community of citizens) established, ecclesiastically dependent on the bishop of Aquino and fief of the counts de Aquino until the year 1583, when they sold it to the Duke Boncompagni of Sora, to whom it remained until year 1796 when he came to join the Kingdom of Naples. For many centuries, given the difficulty of access and the distance from the main roads, such as the via Latina (casilina) and those of the Comino valley, the inhabitants of Terelle enjoyed relative tranquility, almost on the edge of the great and multiple political and above all military events that occurred in the area and dedicated themselves to agricultural and pastoral activities. Even today wheat, legumes, potatoes, chestnuts, truffles are renowned. The sausages and hams of pork and (rarer) of wild boar are excellent. The lamb is highly sought after, and the mushrooms are tasty. The sausages and hams of pork and (rarer) of wild boar are excellent. The lamb is highly sought after, and the mushrooms are tasty. The sausages and hams of pork and (rarer) of wild boar are excellent. The lamb is highly sought after, and the mushrooms are tasty.
When, in the sec. XIX, our farmers discovered the possibility of getting out of the long winter of our altitude and gaining something, from late autumn until the approach of spring, some, leaving their families in the village, moved to Terracina, to serve local farmers. Over the years, many even moved there permanently.
Other emigrations: France and USA In the years 1959-60, many in Canada Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland.
In periods of maximum demographic expansion, the number of inhabitants of Terelle well exceeded two thousand units. Currently (April 2000), it does not reach six hundred souls.
Many have come down to Cassino and its surroundings.
In May 1411, Terelle hosted King Ladislao for one night, who fled the defeat suffered at Roccasecca by the army of Louis II, Duke of Anjou. For about two centuries the sale of snow prospered there, which was exported to Montecassino (five loads of mules for every day of the year), to San Germano, Sant’Elia etc. From very easy Terelle are excursions on Monte Cairo (about two hours) on Mount Obachelle (1447 m. 5. m. Approximately three hours) Pozzaconi, etc .
Lutto in casa Bianchi